The Virginia Wildlife Action Plan (the Plan) provides a statewide and local blueprint for conservation actions needed to keep species from becoming endangered. Information regarding these resources is provided at multiple levels, ranging from single species needs to habitats and watersheds. The Plan is designed to help all conservation actors understand species and habitats priorities at a state and local levels and the types of actions needed within their area of responsibility or even backyard.
VACo has been asked to participate as a member of a Stakeholder Advisory Group which is tasked with providing input and feedback in pursuit of an updated Virginia Wildlife Action Plan. This is a process undertaken every 10 years (last revised in 2015) that allows the Department of Wildlife Resources to continue receiving State Wildlife Grants from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS).
The process of updating this Action Plan allowed federal, state, and local agencies as well as nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and other entities to identify common goals and actions that will help all players work more efficiently at achieving conservation success. This Action Plan is meant to build upon existing partnerships, enhance and prioritize programs, build support for the identified priorities, and lay the foundation for effectively and efficiently implementing conservation actions throughout the Commonwealth. VACo is grateful to be included on the Advisory Group and is looking forward to working with stakeholders. The Draft Plan is set to be available in late 2024/early 2025 with the Final Plan being submitted to the USFWS in late 2025.
VACo Contact: James Hutzler