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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties

Notice of Upcoming JLARC Broadband Survey of Counties

The staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC)  have been directed by state legislators to review efforts to expand access to affordable and reliable broadband throughout the Commonwealth.

A critical component of JLARC’s study is hearing directly from stakeholders, including counties, about their experience with broadband deployment projects in Virginia and their perspectives on the state’s administration of broadband programs. JLARC staff have developed a survey to provide stakeholders throughout the state with an opportunity to share their perspectives and experiences. The survey asks stakeholders about several topics including the state’s universal connectivity goals, challenges to broadband deployment, the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI), and their experience working with DHCD’s Office of Broadband.

JLARC staff will be sending to counties a link to the survey this week. For most counties, that will be the county administrator. For some, that may be a different employee that has been designated as the broadband lead for the county by the Virginia Office of Broadband. 

If you have questions or do not receive a link to the survey by the end of this week, please contact JLARC staff at

County responses to the survey are very important and will help inform JLARC’s findings and recommendations to the General Assembly.

VACo Contacts: Joe Lerch, AICP and Jeremy R. Bennett

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