The VACo Achievement Awards is a free competitive awards program open to local government members of the association. This annual competition recognizes local government programs that exemplify innovation, that can be replicated in other localities, and that partner and collaborate with local governments, private enterprises, or state and federal governments.
We encourage all County departments to apply! Entry deadline is July 1, 2025.
All local government members of the Virginia Association of Counties may participate. There is no limit to the number of applications a County may submit.
All applications must comply with the following standards:
- The program must have become operational before January 1, 2025, and remains operational.
- Local government officials and/or staff must have played a significant role in developing and implementing the program, with only limited assistance from outside experts and/or consultants.
- All steps in the application must be completed.
Awards will be given to departments or units, not individuals. - Programs that have received a previous VACo Achievement Award are ineligible.
- The program must meet one or more of the criteria outlined below and must be signed by the county administrator or deputy/assistant county administrator, or department director.
The nominated program must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Offer an innovative solution to a problem, situation or delivery of services.
- Promote intergovernmental cooperation and/or cooperation with local, state and federal entities and/or a private enterprise in addressing a problem or situation.
- Provide a model that other local governments may learn from or implement in their own localities.
- Programs may be based on programs from another public or private entity but must represent innovative approaches or customization by the local government.
- All entries must be submitted in electronic format — PDF or WORD document. Please include the submission form with each entry.
- Entries must be typed and double-spaced. Limit entries to 12 pages. State the problem, challenge or situation faced by the locality and how the program fulfilled the awards criteria (innovation, partnering or collaboration and a model for other localities). Tell how the program was carried out, including financing and staffing, and the program’s results.
- Include an executive summary of the program (no more than one page double-spaced) that can be used as a quick reference guide for judges and that can be used for press releases, brochures, etc.
Entries will be judged by a member panel selected for its expertise in County government.
One entry will be selected as “Best Achievement” and will be honored as the top program for the given year. Best Small County and Best Large County programs will also be recognized.
The VACo Team will attend Board of Supervisors meetings to present award plaques. The top three winning programs also will be recognized at VACo’s Annual Conference held on November 8-11, 2025.
Winners will receive a special ribbon to be worn on their nametags, and will be recognized on the VACo website and in a news release sent to statewide media.
- Communications
- Community Development, Economic Development, & Land Use
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety
- Customer Service & Community Outreach
- Agriculture, Environmental, & Energy
- Health & Human Services
- Technology
- Organizational Development
- Parks & Recreation
- Regional Collaboration
- Transportation
All submission forms must include the following information. Separate submission forms must be turned in for each eligible program. Deadline: July 1, 2025. Please include this submission linked title form as the first page of your electronic entry.
Please contact Gage Harter with any questions.
Use the UPLOAD button below to submit your program(s). Up to 5 entries can be attached at one time using the UPLOAD button. Include this title form as your first page of the submission.