Joint Subcommittee Reviewing Tax Preferences Considers Tobacco Taxes, Film Incentives

The Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate Tax Preferences met on September 17.  This body, which consists of legislators from the House Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee, as well as members of the Senate appointed upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, has a broad mandate to “oversee the […]

Money Committees Receive Updates on State Revenues, ARPA Spending

Secretary of Finance Stephen Cummings briefed members of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees on September 17 on state revenues and the economic outlook.  He characterized August as a “quiet” month for state revenues, as the bulk of August revenues consist of income tax withholding and sales tax collections; September collections, which […]

County Feeding Ban Update as Formal Deer Hunting Season Begins

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) would like to remind all counties of the current prohibitions on the feeding of deer and elk. Feeding is unnecessary, can harm the digestive system of deer in some cases, often leads to increased conflict with people, and can create an overabundance of deer in an area. The […]

VACo Region 5, 9 and 11 Meeting Recap

VACo held its sixth of eight regional meetings for 2024 virtually on August 19th.  Counties from VACo Regions 5, 9 and 11 attended the meeting. The meeting began with a welcome from VACo President and Albemarle County Supervisor, Ann Mallek.  VACo was pleased to have Chandler Vaughan and Caroline Luxhoj from the Department of Housing […]

Visit Nottoway County and the Nottoway County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO SOURCE: Virginia Department of Historic Resources Location: 328 West Courthouse Road / Old Nottoway RoadBuilt: 1839 – 1843Style: Greek Revival / Roman RevivalArchitect: Branch H ElllingtonContractor: Branch H Elllington Description: The building faces east and is a one story red colored brick structure. The building is located on spacious grounds in the center of […]

Dinwiddie County Supervisor Dan Lee’s Heart and Liver Transplant Journey

It’s been this way for years at VACo events. Members of the Dinwiddie County Board of Supervisors walking together, eating together, and supporting each other. But at last year’s VACo Annual Conference, there was one member noticeably absent – Supervisor Dan Lee. Dan was at VCU Medical Center waiting for a heart and a liver […]

Workgroup Discusses Alternatives to State Hospitalization

A workgroup convened to evaluate and recommend alternative options for individuals with neurocognitive disorders and neurodevelopmental disabilities who may otherwise be admitted to state psychiatric hospitals continued its discussions last week. Legislation considered by the 2024 General Assembly directed the establishment of this workgroup; these companion bills (HB 888 (Watts) and SB 176 (Favola)) stemmed […]

VACo Writes Letter to DEA, FDA, and Virginia Congressional Delegation on Federal Regulatory Changes to Prescription Drug Box Program

VACo recently sent a letter to Administrator Anne Milgram of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Commissioner Robert M. Califf of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and members of the Virginia Congressional Delegation expressing concerns over federal regulatory changes association with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351 et seq. […]

VRS Reports Return of 9.9% and Hits Record High for the Fund

According to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS), the Fund reported a 9.9% return, net of fees, on its investment portfolio for fiscal year 2024, ending the year with a market value of approximately $113.9 billion, a record high. “VRS executes its investment strategy and decisions keeping the best interests of VRS members, retirees and beneficiaries […]

VACo Submits Comments on OSHA’s Proposed New Emergency Response Standard for Fire Brigades – Formal Hearing Set for November

VACo recently submitted comments to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regarding its proposed rule to modernize protections for emergency response workers, who often face substantial occupational hazards. While VACo understands the need to update the standards, we are concerned that the proposed changes, in their current form, could have a substantial impact and […]