VACo Opposes Legislation Mandating Localities to Approve Utility-Scale Solar and Battery Storage Facilities

SB 697 (Van Valkenburg) requires localities to permit utility-scale solar and energy storage facilities as a “special exception” per 15.2-2288.8 of Virginia Code and to develop an ordinance that establishes “reasonable criteria and requirements” for the siting of utility-scale solar and battery storage projects. Additionally, the legislation states that such reasonable criteria and requirements “…shall […]
Mandatory Collective Bargaining Bills Resurface

HB 1001 (Tran) / SB 374 (Boysko), in their current form, would undermine the existing local option local governments have to engage in collective bargaining agreements with their employees and require local governments to engage in collective bargaining should their employees so choose. Furthermore, in their current form, the legislation would supersede existing local government […]
Mandatory Testing of PFAS for all Municipal Water Systems Bills Introduced

HB 1085 (Rasoul) and SB 243 (McPike) would require municipal wastewater and drinking water plants to monitor PFAS (also known as “forever chemicals”) levels in effluent, influent, and biosolids at least quarterly and report all such data on an applicable discharge monitoring report required by federal regulations. The bill would also require the Department of […]
Finance Legislation Roundup

Several bills of interest to local government have been submitted and considered in the House Finance and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees. HB 639 (Sullivan) was requested by Arlington County and is intended to clear up confusion caused by legislation from 2023. The 2023 legislation required localities with annual or biennial assessments, or that conduct […]
VACo Supports Multiple Electric Vehicle Charging Bills

As previously reported, VACo supports HB 107 (Sullivan) as this bill would create the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund. The Program and Fund would make available up to $25 million each fiscal year and assist developers by offsetting up to 70 percent of the non-utility cost of electric vehicle charging stations. According to […]
School Construction Financing Bills Headed to the Senate Floor

On January 23, the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee reported SB 14 (McPike) on a bipartisan vote of 10-4. As previously reported, SB 14 would permit any county or city to impose an additional local sales and use tax of up to 1 percent, if initiated by a resolution of the local governing body and […]
Problematic Legislation Would Hamper Local Tax Collections

Two bills have been introduced that would require significant changes to the local tax collection process. Although the bills are generally understood to have been initiated as a result of issues with meals tax collections in one locality, the bills apply statewide, and several of the bills’ provisions apply to all local taxes. HB 1483 […]
VACo Opposes Legislation to Make ADUs a By-Right Use

SB 304 (Salim) and HB 900 (Srinivasan) mandate all localities permit accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as an accessory use in residential zoning districts. The legislation also prohibits a locality from requiring (1) dedicated parking for the ADU; and (2) Lot sizes or setbacks for the ADU greater than that of the primary dwelling. Additionally, the […]
Water and Wastewater Facility Compliance and Modernization Bill Passes Subcommittee

HB 220 (Orrock) would establish a new protocol for an unexpected vacancy of the licensed operator position for water treatment facilities and wastewater treatment facilities. The bill also permits remote monitoring of the facility by the licensed operator upon a demonstration of adequate monitoring technology. Specifically, the bill provides regulatory framework for the facility to […]
Unpaved Road Improvement Bill Amended in VACo’s Favor

SB 644 (Perry) would clarify that the upgrading of unpaved secondary roads includes improvements other than paving. The bill states that the improvements that could be made to unpaved secondary roads include improving materials, drainage upgrades, enhancing the highway profile, as well as other improvements that would increase safety, reduce maintenance costs, or enhance the […]
Capitol Contact ALERT! School Construction Financing Bill to be Heard Tomorrow – Call Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Members to Support

SB 14 (McPike) would permit any county or city to impose an additional local sales and use tax of up to 1 percent, if initiated by a resolution of the local governing body and approved by voters at a local referendum. The revenues of such local tax would be used solely for capital projects for […]
Visit King William County and the King William County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO SOURCE: King William County Historical Society Location: 227 Courthouse Lane / Horse Landing RoadBuilt: 1725 – 1726Style: GeorgianArchitect: UnknownContractor: Unknown Description: The building faces south and is a one story red colored brick laid in Flemish bond and wood structure. The building is “T” shaped. The south front has five arches along the arcade. […]
House Version of Line of Duty Act (LODA) Benefits for Campus and Private Police Bill Falters

HB 232 (Campbell), which provides employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education and contributing private police departments with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act, failed to recommend reporting in the House Public Safety Committee’s Public Safety Subcommittee by a 4-2 vote. VACo supported the legislation. […]
VACo Supports Swatting Reimbursement to Localities

Legislation supported by VACo, which aims to allow localities to obtain a reimbursement of a “reasonable expense” for any cost incurred in responding to terrorism hoax incident, bomb threat, or malicious activation of fire alarm, was recommended to report from Subcommittee #2 of the House Counties, Cities, and Towns Committee by a vote of 7-1. […]
Finance Bills Begin to be Heard

The House Finance Committee began to consider legislation on January 16 with a meeting of its Subcommittee #2, which deals with local taxes, followed by the full Committee’s meeting on January 17. Three bills were reported by the Committee and are headed to the House floor: HB 226 (Cherry) was introduced at the request of […]
Privileges and Elections Committees Begin to Consider Elections Bills

The House and Senate Privileges and Elections Committees began considering elections legislation this week. In the Senate, several bills that would have reversed or limited certain policy decisions enacted in recent years to expand voting access were defeated, including SB 42 (Peake), which would have reduced the absentee voting in person period from 45 to […]