VRS Political Subdivision Valuations Reports with New Contribution Rates To Be Posted
VACo recently received important information from the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) regarding the actuarial valuation reports for all political subdivision employers. As previously reported, these reports are important as they contain the include the retirement contribution rate along with rates for group life insurance and the health insurance credit. According to VRS: VRS this month […]
Governor Unveils Biennium Budget Proposal

On December 20, Governor Youngkin presented his budget proposals for the upcoming 2024-2026 biennium, as well as amendments to the current biennium budget in the “caboose” budget bill. The Governor described his proposal as the “Unleashing Opportunity” budget, making a case that tax reform and investments in business recruitment and workforce readiness are necessary to […]
Changes adopted by the CTB to the SMART SCALE program outlined and explained

Earlier this year, the Virginia Secretary of Transportation directed the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) to conduct a full review of the SMART SCALE process in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). VACo was invited and has participated on the Technical Advisory Committee […]
Visit James City County and the James City County Historic Courthouse

Location: 101 Duke of Gloucester Street / Palace Green StreetBuilt: 1770 – 1771Style: GeorgianArchitect: Robert SmithContractor: Unknown Description: The building faces south and is a one story red colored brick structure. The building is located on landscaped grounds with Market Square on the north side in Colonial Williamsburg in the center of city. The south […]
Legislators Review Findings of Study on State Psychiatric Hospitals

Staff to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) presented findings and recommendations to JLARC members on December 11, and provided a follow-up briefing to members of the Behavioral Health Commission two days later. Behavioral Health Commission members reviewed the study’s recommendations dealing with legislative or budget actions by the General Assembly and agreed […]
State EMS Advisory Board Workgroup Tasked with Making Recommendations to Release OEMS Funding Convenes

On Wednesday, December 13, the workgroup tasked by the State EMS Advisory Board Chair Kevin Dillard with addressing funding restructuring needs and pending payment issues met for the first time. As previously reported, the need for this workgroup stems from unanticipated budgeting shortfalls at the Office of Emergency Medical Services. The official minutes are pending, […]
VACo Supports Early Childhood Care and Education Effort

On Monday, December 4, VACo staff participated in the formal kick off of the “Gotta Have Childcare” campaign, which is aimed at preventing the loss of childcare options for families that were significantly expanded through federal funding as well as improving the overall health of Virginia’s early childhood system. This was shortly followed by an […]
Behavioral Health Commission Discusses Criminal Justice Diversion, Recommendations for 2024
The Behavioral Health Commission met on December 5 to receive a briefing from its staff on a study of a potential new process to divert certain individuals from the criminal justice system into court-ordered mental health treatment, and to finalize legislative and budgetary proposals for the upcoming session resulting from studies considered during earlier meetings. […]
Joint Commission on Health Care Adopts Study Recommendations, Study Plan for 2024
The Joint Commission on Health Care held its final meeting of the year on December 6, taking action on recommendations from its two major staff studies of 2023 and approving study resolutions for 2024. As reported in County Connections, at meetings earlier this year the Commission considered recommendations from a study of team-based care and […]
VDSS Webinar on Proposed Alternative Allocation for State Administrative Funding (Part Two)

At the direction of the State Board of Social Services, the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) has been developing a proposed alternative allocation method for state administrative funding to local departments of social services for staff and operations costs that would reflect local department caseloads, poverty, and local ability to pay. Ryan Kelly, Assistant […]
Long-Awaited Fire and EMS Needs Assessment Report Released

An eye-opening report on the state and needs of Virginia’s Fire and EMS services was recently submitted to the General Assembly and Virginia Fire Services Board. The report is titled, “Service to Others: A Report on the Commonwealth’s Fire and EMS Service,” and is the culmination of workgroup study required by HB 2175 from the […]
JLARC Reviews State’s System of Indigent Defense and Criminal Prosecution

The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) received a report at its November 13 meeting on the results of a study of the state’s system of indigent criminal defense and prosecution of criminal cases. JLARC staff found that the state’s public defenders provide effective representation, but that workloads in public defenders’ offices have risen […]
Visit Isle of Wight County and the Isle of Wight County Historic Courthouse

Location: 17140 Monument Circle / Courthouse Highway 258Built: 1800 – 1801Style: Colonial RevivalArchitect: Major Francis BoykinContractor: Major Francis Boykin Description: The building faces southeast and is a two story red colored brick structure. The building is located on spacious landscaped grounds in the center of Isle of Wight to the south of the courthouse. The […]
Composite Index of Local Ability-to-Pay (LCI) Published for 2024-2026 Biennium

On November 27, Dr. Lisa Coons, State Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), released a memo publishing The Composite Index of Local Ability-to-Pay for the 2024-2026 biennium, which will begin on July 1, 2024. These figures are crucial to calculating the state share of projected school division payments for the […]
Commission on Youth Adopts Recommendations from 2023 Studies

At its meeting on November 20, the Commission on Youth adopted a series of recommendations from the two studies Commission staff undertook this year. Draft recommendations had been circulated for public comment earlier in the fall and VACo reported on the studies’ key findings and proposed recommendations in an earlier County Connections article. Adopted recommendations […]
Treasury Releases Interim Final Rule Proposing Changes to Definition of “Obligation” for ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund; Public Comments due December 20

The U.S. Department of the Treasury issued an Interim Final Rule (IFR) in November providing additional flexibility in the definition of “obligation” for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) provided through the American Rescue Plan Act. The IFR was published in the Federal Register on November 20 and takes effect immediately, but Treasury is […]