JLARC Presents VRS Oversight Report

As part of their July 10th meeting, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) presented an oversight report of the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) as required by the Code of Virginia. The health and well-being of VRS is important to local governments as it administers retirement programs and other benefit programs for state and […]

VDOT Seeks Input Regarding Electric Vehicle Charging Station Deployment

The Commonwealth of Virginia is investing a projected $100 million in federal funding over the next five years to install public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across Virginia. The federal funding for these EV charging stations is allocated from the Federal Highway Administration’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. At this time, NEVI funds are reserved […]

Campbell County Congratulates the Campbell LEADS Leadership Development Program Class of 2023

RUSTBURG, VA – Campbell County is known for its dedication to professional development and ongoing cultivation of leadership skills in employees.  As such, on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 the Campbell LEADS Leadership Development Program members were recognized for their remarkable organizational presence, and dedication to continued education and outstanding public service ethic. Recognized last year […]

VACo 2023 Achievement Awards July 5 Deadline Approaching

Dear VACo Members –   It’s time for the 2023 Achievement Awards Program. Any county department is eligible to compete so ENTER NOW! Achievement Awards Submission Form All entries are required to be submitted in electronic form. No paper copy submissions are necessary. The electronic copy should be a PDF or WORD file. Email entries to Gage […]

Visit Frederick County and the Frederick County Historic Courthouse

Location: 20 North Loudon Street / Rouss Street Built: 1839 – 1841 Style: Greek Revival Architect: Robert Clay Long of Baltimore, Maryland Contractor: Unknown local trades and labor Description: The building faces west and is a two story red colored brick structure. The rectangular shaped building is located on a landscaped square in the center […]

State Revenues Ahead of Forecast Through May

Secretary of Finance Stephen E. Cummings returned to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee on June 13 to provide an update on state revenue collections during the critically-important last quarter of the state fiscal year.  Secretary Cummings reiterated his confidence in the Administration’s forecast despite some “noise” in the revenue figures due to the state’s […]

SMART SCALE Round 5 Projects Approved by Commonwealth Transportation Board

In May, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) unanimously agreed to a resolution approving the 5th round of SMART SCALE projects.  The CTB found that the Consensus Scenario as presented in the May 23, 2023 Workshop is the approach to be used in funding projects scored pursuant to the fifth round of the Project Prioritization Process.  […]

Virginia seeks survey input in drafting digital equity plan to access federal funds

The Office of Broadband at the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is in the process of developing the Virginia Digital Opportunity Plan, which will assess the state of the digital divide in Virginia and enable the Commonwealth to apply for Federal broadband funding from the Digital Equity Act Capacity Grant program, which […]

Plan to participate in Resilient Virginia’s fifth statewide conference | August 1-2

Plan to participate in our fifth statewide conference on resiliency! August 1-2 | Hybrid Event Welcome to the 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference website. We are pleased to announce that the conference, focused on Economic Opportunities for Community Resilience, will take place on August 1-2 at University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business in Charlottesville. Given the success of our 2021 […]

Thank You Wise County for hosting the Region 13 Meeting!

On May 3, VACo staff traveled to Southwest Virginia to conduct our third of eight regional meetings slated for 2023.  VACo staff had the honor of traveling to Wise County, who graciously hosted the event, to meet with Region 13 county leaders at the historic Inn at Wise.  VACo Region 13 encompasses the counties of […]

Save the Date – We Summit on August 17

AUGUST 17, 2023REGISTRATION FORM | REGISTER ONLINEOMNI RICHMOND HOTEL ROOM RESERVATIONDRAFT AGENDA The VACo County Officials’ Summit is VACo’s summer meeting that previews the upcoming November elections and begins the legislative process of the association for 2024. This November is a critical election cycle with many projected new faces in local and state elected offices. […]


*The information below was provided by NACo as of June 1* After several rounds of negotiations, the White House and U.S. House Republican leadership reached an agreement to address the debt limit and cap spending. The bill, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) (H.R. 3746), would suspend the debt ceiling through January 1, 2025, effectively increasing […]

DCR to host first annual Virginia Flood Preparedness Meeting – June 28

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will be hosting the first annual Virginia Flood Preparedness Coordination Meeting on Wednesday, June 28, from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This meeting is hosted in accordance with paragraph B of §10.1-659 of the Code of Virginia. It will convene representatives of programs, entities and localities with a stake […]