Governor proposes amendments to 77 bills and “skinny budget”

Last week Governor Youngkin released his proposed amendments to legislation that passed the 2023 General Assembly. The Governor proposed amendments to 77 bills, as well as four changes to the “skinny budget,” and vetoed three bills. The legislature will convene on April 12 to consider the Governor’s amendments and vetoes. Of interest to local governments […]
Visit Fairfax County and the Fairfax County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO CREDIT: Fairfax County, Virginia Location: 4000 Chain Bridge Road / Main StreetBuilt: 1799 – 1800Style: Colonial RevivalArchitect: James WrenContractor: John Bogue and Marengo Dykes Description: The building faces east and is a two story red colored brick structure. The building rectangular shaped building faces east and was completed in 1800. The building is located […]
State General Fund revenues ahead of projections in February, but slowdown still expected

On March 17, Governor Youngkin released updated information on state General Fund revenue collections for February, which were largely aligned with expectations. The March 17 revenue report from Secretary of Finance Stephen E. Cummings reaffirmed the Administration’s expectation of an economic downturn, albeit later in the forecast period. On the national level, although job growth […]
Virginia Supreme Court invalidates zoning ordinance rewrite adopted during pandemic at virtual public meeting

In an opinion dated March 23, 2023, the Virginia Supreme Court declared a rewrite of the Fairfax County zoning ordinance (known as “Z-Mod) void (having no legal effect), based on a challenge by citizens alleging the adoption took place in violation of the open meeting provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The Court […]
Summer Food Service Program gearing up for 2023; more information available from DOE
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is federally funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and in Virginia, is administered by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP). The purpose of the SFSP is to ensure children and teens have equitable access to good, healthy foods during the summertime. Through the […]
EV Charging Infrastructure Grant Program from U.S. Department of Transportation Open Now
The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced additional opportunities for localities to obtain funds for the rollout of thousands of electric vehicle chargers this decade. These Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants help support communities so that they can fill gaps in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. $700 million is available right now, and over the next five years, […]
DEQ releases draft environmental justice guidance – comments due by May 1
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released draft guidance, Environmental Justice in the Permitting Process, for an informal comment period. This guidance creates procedures to ensure fair treatment of, and meaningful involvement with environmental justice (EJ) communities, throughout DEQ’s permitting processes. Per the Virginia Environmental Justice Act an EJ community “… means any low-income […]
$8.1 million in GO Virginia grant awards will leverage $5.6 million in local and non-state funding
As announced by Governor Glenn Youngkin on March 24, the latest round of Virginia Growth and Opportunity (Go Virginia) grants includes $8.1 million for 17 projects focused on creating talent pipelines and accelerating economic growth. For a full list of the awarded projects go to March 2023 Go Virginia Grant Awards. GO Virginia is an […]
VACo Included in Review of SMART SCALE Process – County Input Requested
The Virginia Secretary of Transportation has directed the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) to conduct a full review of the SMART SCALE process in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). Reviews of the SMART SCALE transportation funding process have been undertaken at […]
Department of Criminal Justice Services Announces Community Behavioral Threat Assessment Team Programming
The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), with funding from a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant, has developed a two-day workshop to familiarize participants with a model that addresses behavioral threats in the community from a public health perspective. These trainings present the most up-to-date information on the subject matter presented in a format that […]
VACo’s Jeremy Bennett accepted as fellow in the Political Leadership Academy
The Political Leadership Academy (PLA) was founded through a partnership between George Mason University’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution and the Bipartisan Leadership Project in early 2020. It was founded with the understanding that persistent and seemingly intractable conflict has become a visible hallmark of the American political system. VACo’s […]
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Releases Memo Detailing K-12 Funding under Amendments to the 2022-2024 Biennial Budget Adopted by General Assembly

On March 9, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction released a memo on state funding that is projected to be distributed to school divisions in fiscal years (FY) 2023 and 2024. As previously reported, the 2023 session adjourned sine die on Saturday, February 25, as scheduled, but without resolving differences between the House and Senate on revisions […]
2023 Broadband Updates from the Office of Broadband

The Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Office of Broadband recently shared some updates on what was accomplished in 2022, and their goals going into 2023 and beyond. The final review process of FY 2023 Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) applications is underway. Information on the FY 2024 timeline will be released later this year […]
Visit Essex County and the Essex County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO CREDIT: Mojo Hand Location: 202 North Church Lane / Queen StreetBuilt: 1728 – 1729Style: GeorgianArchitect: John MooreContractor: John Moore Description: The building faces southwest and is a one story red colored brick structure. The brick is laid in Flemish bond with arched windows. The building is located on landscaped grounds to the west of […]
VACo Premier Partner Spotlight | three+one
rfpPrep: How Does It Work & What Is Its Value? In this initial installment, Dean Lynch is joined by VACo Premier Partner, Kevin Teborek from three+one, to introduce the power of the rfpPrep portal. This proprietary software can simplify the banking RFP process, and create new earnings and savings for your entity. LEARN MORE ABOUT […]
EPA proposes new standards to remove “forever” chemicals from drinking water

April 28 deadline to register for May 4 public hearingMarch 29 webinar to provide technical overview of the proposed rule On March 14, the EPA announced a proposed regulation to monitor and remove PFAS from drinking water. PFAS is an acronym that represents a class of perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as “forever” chemicals […]