BPOL Legislation Significantly Revised in Senate

HB 2200 (Robinson), as introduced, would mandate a deduction from gross receipts that would otherwise be subject to BPOL taxes for the amounts paid for anti-cancer drugs that are purchased by a medical practice and administered to patients whose treatment costs are paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE. VACo was opposed to the original […]
Bill Gutting Localities Ability to Regulate Solid Waste Laid on Table

SB 1365 (Lewis) would exempt Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) from local flow control ordinance by State law. MRFs are facilities that separate recyclable materials such as metals or other recyclable products from solid waste. The definition of a MRF, as set out in the bill, does not require these facilities to meet any standards for […]
License Reciprocity Bills for Waterworks Pass the General Assembly

SB 999 (Mason) and its companion bill, HB 1940 (Runion), would allow for waterworks employees licensed in other states to be issued the equivalent license in Virginia. The bills help localities recruit and retain these necessary public works employees as staffing issues continue at the local level. As previously reported, VACo supports the passage of […]
House and Senate Differ on Bill to Create a State Economic Development Acquisition Fund

The Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee significantly altered legislation to create a state acquisition and development fund for economic development for sites of at least 250 acres. HB 1842 (Knight), which creates the Virginia Business Ready Sites Acquisition Fund and Program, was changed into a study directing the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) to convene […]
Modified PFAs Bill Addressing VACo’s Concerns Dies in House Sub

SB 1013 (Edwards), as introduced, would have required a public waterworks owner to notify customers via mailings and newspaper publication when a water quality analysis reveals that PFAS chemicals are present in a water supply or when a PFAS contaminant exceeds maximum contaminant levels. VACo opposed the initial iteration of the bill because of the […]
Freedom of Information Act Bills of Note Advancing and Retreating

HB 1569 (Walker) Virginia Freedom of Information Act; disclosure of personnel records. Clarifies that personnel records excluded from disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act include those of persons employed by (i) a public body engaged in emergency medical services or fire protection services, (ii) a law-enforcement agency, or (iii) an emergency 911 system or […]
Conflict of Interest Act Bills Advancing and Vanquishing

HB 2122 (Watts) State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act; Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council; training for members of appointed school boards. Adds members of appointed school boards to the list of persons for whom the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council is required to provide certain training sessions. The bill also […]
Fire Services Needs Work Group Bill Advances

On February 17, the Senate Committee on Rules voted unanimously (15-0) to report HB 2175 (Sickles), which directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security to establish a work group composed of representatives from the Department of Fire Programs, the Department of Planning and Budget, the Office of Emergency Medical Services, the Virginia Fire […]
Update on Elections Bills

Although a significant number of bills dealing with elections were considered this session, only a handful have met with approval in both chambers. Among the bills that are expected to pass this session are the following: HB 1948 (Bloxom) eliminates the requirement for a witness to sign an absentee ballot’s return envelope. Instead, the voter […]
Workforce Development Reform Bills Advance

HB 2195 (Byron) / SB 1470 (Ruff) would create the Department of Workforce Development and Advancement (the Department) to administer workforce development services and training programs. The bills consolidate various statewide workforce program evaluation and data sharing under the Department and provides protections against improper disclosure of data. The bills also (i) transfer administration of […]
State General Fund Revenues on Track, but Slowdown Still Expected

On February 15, Secretary of Finance Stephen E. Cummings reported to the House Appropriations Committee on January state General Fund revenues, notifying Committee members that revenues are ahead of the December forecast, but highlighting several areas of uncertainty in the months ahead. After adjusting for timing issues for collections and certain policy changes, such as […]
Capitol Contact ALERT! Oppose Bill that May Result in Negative Impacts on Local Water Quality

Bill to be heard on Friday, February 17 – Call Your Senators Now to Oppose HB 2282 (Edmunds), as amended, would allow forest harvesting activities to be exempt from the Virginia Stormwater Management Program even if the land does not intend to be reforested or turned into agricultural use. In effect, these changes in the […]
House and Senate Pass Budgets

The House and Senate passed their respective budget proposals on Thursday, with the House approving its budget by 63-36 and the Senate approving its proposal by 32-8. The deadline for the budget bills to be placed in conference is Wednesday, February 15. Following is an overview of the major elements of both proposed budgets of […]
Teacher Compensation Bill Modified to Become Study

SB 1215 (Lucas), as originally drafted, would require the Commonwealth to compensate its public-school teachers at a rate that is competitive, defined in current law as at or above the national average teacher salary, in order to attract and keep highly qualified teachers. Currently, the Code of Virginia declares it the policy of the Commonwealth to […]
Problematic Bill Creating New Liability for Local Enforcement Action Passes House Subcommittee

After passing the senate by a wide margin, SB 1495 (Surovell) cleared its first hurdle by unanimous vote in the House Courts of Justice Committee’s Subcommittee #2 on February 13. The legislation provides that any person aggrieved by an enforcement action by a locality, where the enforcement action was based upon a willful disregard for […]
Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund Bills Amended to Address VACo’s Concerns

SB 1106 (Newman) and HB 2302 (Adams, L), as introduced, were similar to budget language in the Governor’s introduced budget regarding the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund (TPOF). The introduced bills required the Governor to include in the Budget Bill an appropriation of up to $200 million, limited to $100 million each year, from the Commonwealth […]