Line of Duty Act (LODA) Bills for Private Police Departments and Campuses Advance

VACo supports HB 1815 (Campbell) / SB 1142 (Obenshain), which would provide employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education and contributing private police departments with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act. The bills require each contributing nonprofit private institution of higher education to pay its […]
Real Property Tax Exemption Bills Under Consideration

Several bills regarding property tax exemptions for disabled veterans and their surviving spouses and the surviving spouses of servicemembers who die in the line of duty are under consideration this session. Current law provides that for the real property tax exemption for the surviving spouse of a servicemember who died in the line of duty, […]
Capitol Contact ALERT: VACo Opposes Bill that Imposes Strict Limitations on Providing Drinking Water

SB 923 (Stuart), as substituted and amended, would prohibit the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) from issuing a Virginia Water Protection Permit for a surface water withdrawal if more than 6 million gallons of water per day would be returned to a different river basin. SB 923 imposes strict limitations on the ability of water utilities […]
Capitol Contact ALERT: VACo Opposes Bill Mandating Targets for Utility-Scale Solar in Comprehensive Plans

SB 1190 (Deeds), as amended in committee, mandates that every locality, no later than July 1, 2029, shall incorporate into its comprehensive plan targets for energy production and energy efficiency based on regional energy plans that planning district commissions are now required to adopt. The regional energy plans must be adopted by January 1, 2027, […]
VACo Still Opposes Amended Solar Siting Bill

On January 24, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee reported a substitute for SB 1190 (Deeds) by a vote of 9 to 6 and then referred it to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee for further consideration. VACo opposes the amended SB 1190. VACo Members – Contact members of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee […]
Elections Bills of Interest

A variety of bills on election administration are under consideration this session. Although sweeping changes to election administration are unlikely to be enacted this year, several items of note are under consideration. Election timing: SJ 253 (Surovell) would establish a joint subcommittee of legislators and citizen members to study the consolidation and scheduling of general […]
VACo Opposes Bill that Preempts Local Authority to Appoint School Boards

On January 23, VACo testified in opposition to SB 1404 (Pekarsky), which requires election as the method of selecting the members of each school board in the Commonwealth and makes several changes to eliminate provisions relating to appointed school boards. Current law requires such members to be appointed but permits their election under certain circumstances. […]
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH COMMENTARY: Virginia Must Close the Gap in State Funding for Schools

By Fairfax County Chairman Jeffrey McKay and Fairfax County Supervisor James Walkinshaw As local elected officials in Fairfax County, we have a front-row seat to the challenges to our public created by Virginia’s chronic underinvestment in K-12 public education. A 2023 study by the General Assembly’s own experts — the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) — revealed […]
County Government Day Brings Leaders Together in Advocacy

More than 200 county elected officials and staff from all over the Commonwealth convened in Richmond on January 23 to advocate on behalf of their communities. With VACo President Ruth Larson presiding – attendees received a welcome from City of Richmond Mayor Dr. Danny Avula; a session on protecting local authority with Loudoun County Vice […]
Taylor Harvie’s Service Celebrated at Retirement Gathering

On Wednesday, December 18, current and retired Administrators from Southside gathered to celebrate the career of longtime Amelia County Administrator Taylor Harvie. Mr. Harvie served as Amelia County Administrator from February 1, 2012 until his retirement on August 2, 2024. He also served as a member of the Amelia County Board of Supervisors from 1992 […]
VACo Mourns the Passing of William M. McCarty, Sr.

He had a voice that could soothe you. And a handshake that could crush you. He had a devotion to his faith that could lift you. And a stature that could protect you. William M. McCarty, Sr. will be remembered by VACo in a variety of ways because he was a man of many wonderful […]
Fairfax County Announces Passing of Former Mount Vernon District Supervisor and VACo President

It is with deep sadness that Fairfax County announces the passing of former Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerry Hyland, who died peacefully on Sunday morning, January 19. Hyland was a beloved community member who served for more than three decades as a dedicated advocate and visionary leader. He was well known for his puns, sharp […]
Visit Pulaski County and the Pulaski County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO CREDIT: Michael Pulice/2010 Location: 52 West Main Street / Washington Avenue Built: 1895 – 1896 Style: Richardsonian Romanesque Architect: W Chamberlin & Company of Knoxville, Tennessee Contractor: Miller & Warden of Pulaski Description: The building faces south and is a two story stone structure. The building is located on landscaped grounds in the center […]
ACTION ITEM: Oppose Bills Mandating Collective Bargaining and Other Employment Terms for Transportation Services

SB 919 (Salim) / HB 2619 (Helmer) have passed their respective committees and could be heard this week. Both bills are unfunded mandates that infringe on local authority. ACTION REQUIRED – Contact the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee and the House Labor and Commerce Committee to oppose. The bills would require the governing body of any county that […]
ACTION ITEM: Oppose Speed Camera Bills that Preempt Local Authority

There are two problematic transportation bills advancing through the General Assembly – both would preempt local authority in the application of speed cameras and divert funding from localities to the state. SB 1209 (Obenshain), as substituted, states that all civil penalties collected for the purposes of recording vehicle speed violations shall be paid to the […]
Capitol Contact ALERT! Contact Your Legislators to Oppose Speed Camera Bills that Preempt Local Authority

There are two problematic transportation bills advancing through the General Assembly – both would preempt local authority in the application of speed cameras and divert funding from localities to the state. ACTION REQUIRED – Please contact your legislators today to oppose SB 1209 and HB 2041. SB 1209 (Obenshain), as substituted, states that all civil […]