VACo Supports School Construction Financing Bill

On January 15, VACo testified in support of SB 1307 (McPike), legislation that once again seeks to grant additional revenue raising authority if approved by local referendum for school capital needs. Funding for school construction and renovation is one of the biggest concerns and responsibilities of local governments in the Commonwealth and has been almost […]

FOIA, COIA, Public Notice Bills Update

Freedom of Information bills HB 2152 (Carr) provides that any legal counsel for a public body who is also designated as the public body’s FOIA officer shall complete a training session or online course offered or approved by the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council. Current law provides that FOIA officers must be trained on a […]

Speed Camera Bill That Would Redirect Funds from Locality to State

HB 2401 (Seibold) would authorize the governing body of any county, city, or town to provide, by ordinance, for the placement and operation of a speed safety camera by the law-enforcement agency of such locality for the purposes of recording vehicle speed violations on any highway in such locality as long as: The highways speed limit is 45 […]

Bill that Negatively Affects Water Quality Improvement Grants Fails in Subcommittee

HB 2247 (Runion) states that the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is only required to enter into water quality improvement grant agreements with publicly owned wastewater treatment plants that apply for such grants if sufficient and unobligated funds are available in the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund at the time the Director enters into […]

Bill to Make Multi-Family Residential a “By-Right” Use in Commercial Districts Fails

SB 839 (Van Valkenburg) failed to pass in the Senate Local Government Committee by a vote of 5-7-3 on January 20. The legislation requires all local zoning ordinances to allow for the development and construction of multifamily residential uses on all land contained in commercial or business zoning district classifications. The legislation also specifies that […]

ACTION ITEM: Oppose School Board Binding Arbitration Bill

On January 20, VACo testified in opposition to SB 1033 (Pekarsky), which permits any school board to enter into a written agreement to submit any existing controversy to binding arbitration and to execute a contract, including a collective bargaining agreement, that contains a provision to submit to binding arbitration any controversy arising thereunder. This bill […]

VACo Helps Defeat Workers’ Compensation Unfunded Mandate Bill

On January 16, VACo testified in opposition to HB 1851 (Arnold), which would have expanded the workers’ compensation presumption of compensability for certain cancers causing the death or disability of certain employees who have completed five years of service in their position to include sheriffs or deputy sheriffs. Though not opposed to the policy intent […]

ACTION ITEM: Oppose legislation to require closure of juvenile detention centers

SB 1432 (Marsden) requires the closure and consolidation of seven juvenile detention centers by January 1, 2026.  VACo opposes this legislation.  Throughout several workgroups reviewing this issue, VACo has maintained its position that any decisions regarding consolidation should be made by the affected local governments so that the full spectrum of community needs can be […]

VACo Opposes Bills to Reshape Water Quality Improvement Grants

HB 2247 (Runion) states that the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is only required to enter into water quality improvement grant agreements with publicly owned wastewater treatment plants that apply for such grants if sufficient and unobligated funds are available in the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund at the time the Director enters […]

VACo Opposes Bill to Limit County Ability to Access Drinking Water

SB 923 (Stuart) would prohibit the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) from issuing a Virginia Water Protection Permit for any surface water withdrawal in Virginia if more than 5 percent of the nonconsumptive volume of water withdrawn will be returned to a different major river basin. VACo opposes the bill on the grounds that this would […]

VACo Testifies in Support of Senate K-12 Support Cap Removal

On January 16, the Senate Education and Health Committee recommended to report and refer SB 977 (Hashmi) on a vote of 11-3 to Senate Finance and Appropriations. The bill, which is a recommendation of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) 2023 report on Virginia’s K-12 Funding Formula as well as a recommendation of […]

VACo Advocates for Removal of K-12 Support Cap

On January 14, the House Education K-12 Subcommittee recommended to report and refer HB 1831 (Simonds) to House Appropriations on a vote of 5-3. The bill, which is a recommendation of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) 2023 report on Virginia’s K-12 Funding Formula as well as a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee […]

VACo Opposes Mandatory Collective Bargaining Bill

VACo urges opposition to SB 917 (Surovell), which as introduced, would remove local authority by imposing mandatory collective bargaining for local governments if a group of employees petition and vote to form a bargaining unit. The bill would also create a state Public Employee Relations Board with no specified local government representation and impose binding […]

ACTION ITEM: Oppose Bill to Make Accessory Dwellings Units (ADUs) a “By-Right” Use

SB 932 (Salim) mandates all localities permit accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as an accessory use in residential zoning districts. The legislation also prohibits a locality from requiring rear or side setbacks for the ADU that are greater than the setback required for the primary dwelling. ACTION REQUIRED: Call members of the Senate today to oppose […]