Capitol Contact ALERT! Call Now to Oppose Problematic Bill That May Result in Negative Impacts on Local Water Quality

Bill to be Heard Monday, February 6Call Your Delegates Now to Oppose

HB 2282 (Edmunds), as amended, would allow forest harvesting activities to be exempt from the Virginia Stormwater Management Program even if the land does not intend to be reforested or turned into agricultural use.

In effect, these changes in the law could allow for land disturbance activities, not associated with future forestry and agriculture, to be exempt from stormwater regulations as long as the applicant cuts down the forested areas to harvest the trees.  VACo is concerned that this proposed exemption could lead to land disturbance activities for residential and commercial development to proceed without understanding full impacts to water quality and erosion.

ACTION REQUIRED – Call your Delegates today to oppose HB 2282. HB 2282 to be heard on the House floor on Monday, February 6.


  • Under current code, the clearing of land for the harvesting of forest products is exempt from the Virginia Stormwater Management Plan so long as the land is, “reforested artificially or naturally,” or, “converted to bona fide agricultural or improved pasture.”
  • This new exemption could allow for certain land clearing activities for future potential development to proceed without first receiving a stormwater permit.
  • This bill may result in negative impacts in local water quality and erosion control as land disturbance activities for development are not properly evaluated.



VACo Contact: James Hutzler (804.343.2503)

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