Capitol Contact ALERT – Call or email NOW to oppose bill that shortens time to approve site plans and plats


SB 735 to be heard today at 1:30pm

VACo Members – please call or email your Senators on the Local Government Committee to oppose SB735 (Obenshain). The Senate Local Government Committee will meet this afternoon in Senate Room B.

SB 735 drastically reduces the time period within which a local planning commission or other agent must act on a proposed plat, site plan or plan of development for commercial developments. The bill shortens from 60 days to 30 days the review period for an original submission and shortens from 45 days to 20 days for action on a plat or plan which was previously disapproved.

Many counties require input from state agencies such as VDOT, DEQ or the Health Department that may not be able to respond in a timely fashion. For many smaller counties that use the planning commission as the approving body, it is common that the planning commission meets only once each month. Accordingly, depending upon when the plat or plan is submitted to the county, the 30-day time period would often be impossible to meet.

Please contact members of the Senate Local Government Committee now to oppose SB 735.


-For Small counties that use the planning commission as the agent, the 30-day time period would be almost impossible to meet.

-Awaiting state agency approval often delays the process

-Without adequate staff, this truncated review process could result in poorly designed developments.


Senate Local Government Committee: Stanley (Chairman), Hanger, Marsden, Miller, Favola, Lewis, Cosgrove, Surovell, DeSteph, Dunnavant, Chase, Sturtevant, McPike

VACo Contact: Jim Campbell, CAE


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