VACo opposes bill requiring preliminary approval of rezoning requests by staff – up for consideration Wednesday


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

VACo opposes bill requiring preliminary approval of rezoning requests by staff – up for consideration Wednesday

VACo opposes
HB 2262 (Morris), which would drastically change the planning process by requiring local government staff to grant preliminary approval of applicant rezoning requests before consideration of the rezoning request by the planning commission.

The bill is scheduled for consideration by House Counties, Cities and Towns Subcommittee 2 at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, January 28.

Please call Subcommittee members to oppose HB 2262.

The bill adds several new duties to local planning commissions including designating an officer or employee who shall (i) advise the applicant of the feasibility of the applicant’s rezoning request and (ii) provide a list of all required or anticipated materials, assessments, surveys or reports that will be required of the applicant before consideration of the rezoning request. The bill provides that such information, while not constituting early approval of the applicant’s rezoning plan, shall be deemed a preliminary approval of the plan pending fulfillment of any preapproval requirements.


  • The bill puts local planning staff in the inappropriate position of having to provide preliminary approvals of rezoning requests.
  • The bill circumvents the local land use process that all concerned citizens have a chance to comment on rezoning requests in a public hearing before planning commissions and local governing bodies grant or deny rezoning requests.

House Counties, Cities and Towns Subcommittee 2 Members: Marshall, D.W. (Chairman), Stolle, Wilt, Morris, Hodges, DeSteph, Pillion, Spruill, Torian, Krupicka, Mason

VACo Contact: Erik Johnston, CAE

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