2023 General Assembly Convenes – Look for Capitol Contact on Tuesdays and Thursdays

The 2023 General Assembly session convened on January 11 setting the stage as legislators will deliberate on many issues of critical importance to local government, including the state budget, broadband, education funding, economic development, public safety, taxes, and other policy matters.

VACo will continually provide updates during the session through Capitol Contact. Capitol Contact will be published every Tuesday and Thursday. In addition, VACo will email and text Capitol Contact Alerts to County Officials on important issues before they are heard by select committees.

Please check VACo’s website and the General Assembly webpage often to get the latest information and bill updates. Also, be on the lookout for legislative videos with state lawmakers and VACo Staff. VACo will continue to release its newsletter, County Connections, around the first and 15th of each month.

And be sure to attend VACo’s Local Government Day on Thursday, January 19 at the Omni Richmond Hotel. Be a part of the legislative process at the 2023 General Assembly Session.

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch

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