Bill to Provide Equal Taxing Authority to Counties Fails; Issue to be Considered in Interim

SB 200 (Favola), which would have equalized counties’ taxing authority with the powers currently afforded to cities and towns, was passed by indefinitely in the Senate Finance Committee on January 31.  The Committee agreed that a letter would be sent to the Joint Subcommittee on Local Government Fiscal Stress requesting that the subject be examined as part of the Joint Subcommittee’s work in the “off season.”  Similar action was taken earlier in the session on other bills that would have provided counties with additional taxing authority.

VACo spoke in support of the bill and appreciates Senator Barbara Favola’s efforts to advance the discussion.  VACo looks forward to continuing to advocate for improving counties’ ability to raise revenues needed to provide critical public services.

VACo ContactKatie Boyle

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