Boundary adjustment bills just steps away from the finish line

Two bills seeking to add another tool to localities looking to make voluntary boundary line adjustments have nearly reached the end of their journey through the General Assembly.

VACo supports HB 1649 (Fowler) and SB 1594 (Dunnavant), which would allow all localities to make voluntary boundary line adjustments using Geographic Information System (GIS) surveys. This streamlined process to address situations in which census boundaries do not align with locally drawn or commonly adhered to boundaries is less costly than completing an expensive “metes and bounds” survey.

Currently, GIS mapping for this purpose is only allowed in three instances: regarding the boundary between the Counties of Louisa and Goochland, between the County of Loudoun and any town therein, or between the Counties of Spotsylvania and Orange.  HB 1649 and SB 1594 would release this tool to the rest of the Commonwealth’s localities.

SB 1594 has now passed the Senate and House and will head to the Governor for a signature.  HB 1649 passed the House on January 24, reported from the Senate Local Government Committee on February 12, and will be heard on the Senate floor.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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