Boundary mapping bills chart course straight to Governor’s desk

Bills providing an important tool to localities working to make voluntary boundary line adjustments have each now passed both chambers of the General Assembly and await the Governor’s signature.

HB 1649 (Fowler) and SB 1594 (Dunnavant) allow all localities to make voluntary boundary line adjustments using Geographic Information System (GIS) surveys.  GIS mapping provides users an effective, efficient manner of recording and resolving boundaries and can be a more streamlined and less costly approach than completing an expensive “metes and bounds” survey.  HB 1649 and SB 1594 would empower all localities to use this important tool.

SB 1594 passed the Senate 39-1 and the House unanimously on February 11.  HB 1649 passed the House unanimously on January 24 and the Senate, 39-1, on February 15. The bills now await action from the Governor.

VACo included a position on GIS mapping in their 2019 Legislative Program and was pleased to support these bills before the General Assembly.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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