Committee Disposes Bill Imposing Costs to Landfills

HB 1370 (Ware), as introduced, would not allow the siting of a new landfill in the Commonwealth within one mile of a private well.  VACo opposed the initial legislation and during the bills hearing of the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee, amendments were offered and adopted. The amendments removed the “one mile” provision but added that all future landfills require the addition of a second liner.  While VACo appreciates the changes made, VACo spoke in opposition because of the potential fiscal impact this may have on localities across the state.  VACo believes that the inclusion of a double liner might not be appropriate in all circumstances and should rely on scientific and geological analysis of the possibly sited landfill and not refer to a one size fits all solution.

VACo appreciates the communication Delegate Ware and his staff have had with us on this issue.  The bill was laid on the table by a vote of 14-8 in the full committee.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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