Electric Vehicle Charging Bill Passes Both Chambers

After passing the Senate, Senator Jennifer McClellan’s fee-based electric vehicle charging bill cleared the House on February 20 by a 99-0 vote. SB 908 (McClellan) clarifies and expands local authority to locate and operate a retail fee-based electric vehicle charging station on locality owned or leased property.

HB 922 (Bulova), Delegate David Bulova’s companion bill, passed the House 100-0 and was referred to the Senate Transportation Committee, which docketed the bill for February 21 but ended up referring it to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee (which initially heard and reported Senator McClellan’s bill). HB 922 will likely be placed on the Committee’s February 26 agenda.

VACo has been pleased to work with Delegate Bulova and Senator McClellan on this initiative and support both bills during their journey through the General Assembly.

For more information on these two bills, please see our February 19 edition of Capitol Contact.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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