Expansion of uses for local stormwater fund passes Senate, heads to House

A bill, which expands the eligible uses for a local stormwater management fund, has found favor in the Senate, passing the full chamber unanimously. SB 1309 (Ebbin) authorizes grants from a local Stormwater Management Fund to be used for measures that are part of a comprehensive flood mitigation and protection plan adopted by the locality, including floodproofing, flood protection products, and grading. Current law only allows local stormwater management program funds to be used for the construction, improvement, or repair of a stormwater management facility or for erosion and sediment control.

SB 1309 reported from the Senate Local Government Committee by a vote of 14-0-1 and passed the full Senate on January 21 by a vote of 39-0.  The bill was referred to the House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee, where it awaits a hearing.

VACo supports this legislation.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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