Governor’s School guidance legislation graduates from subcommittee

On January 25, legislation that requires the Virginia Board of Education (VBOE) to issue guidance on the governance of academic Governor’s Schools was recommended to report with a substitute by the House Education Committee’s SOL and SOQ Subcommittee on a vote of 5 to 3. HB 2305 (Tyler) directs VBOE guidance to focus on the importance of increasing access to Governor’s Schools for historically underserved students and include best practices on:

  • Conducting information sessions about the school and the availability of gifted, advanced, and specialty education program opportunities for feeder public middle schools
  • Strengthening the student pipeline in feeder public middle schools, prioritizing the most underserved and underrepresented students and public middle schools
  • Conducting programs related to and evaluations of diversity, equity, and inclusion

VBOE is directed to consult with local school boards representing various regions served by the Schools. Governor’s Schools are designed to provide gifted students academic and visual and performing arts opportunities beyond those normally available in the students’ home schools and are funded through a combination of state and local funds and includes 40 sites throughout the Commonwealth.

VACo Contact: Jeremy R. Bennett

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