Health Profession Legislation Discussed

SB 315 (Ruff) allows licensed audiologists to fit and sell hearing aids if they have earned a doctoral degree. Current law requires audiologists to also pass an examination to obtain licensure in the Commonwealth. While in the Senate Education and Health Subcommittee for Health Professions, an amendment passed to exempt both audiologists and opticians from the examination requirement. The bill reported out of Committee with the amendment.

Two bills reported out of the Subcommittee to be carried over for the year in the full Senate Education and Health Committee. SB 369 (Newman) and SB 634 (Dunnavant) makes participation mandatory in the All-Payer Claims Database for certain groups. The legislation covers issuers of individual and group sickness and accident insurance policies providing coverage for certain expenses, third-party administrators and others who collect charges, contributions, or premiums, or adjust or settle claims for Virginia residents, as well as certain services of the Department of Medical Assistance Services including Medicare, TRICARE, and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.

VACo Contact: Khaki LaRiviere

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