House version of Local Stormwater Management Fund passes full chamber

HB 1614 (Cole), which seeks to give localities greater flexibility in addressing stormwater management needs, passed the House of Delegates today and will now head to the Senate for consideration.

If signed into law, HB 1614 would authorize any locality to provide by ordinance the creation of a Local Stormwater Management Fund for providing grants to an owner of private property or a common interest community to be used exclusively for construction, improvement, or repair of stormwater management facilities or for erosion and sediment control and prevention on previously developed lands.  Any such local fund will be entirely comprised of local moneys.

A Senate counterpart to this bill, SB 1248 (Reeves), rocketed through the Senate earlier this session and has already been referred to the House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee.  HB 1614 will now be referred to the Senate Local Government Committee.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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