Local employee participation in state health insurance plans


SB 675 (Chafin) and HB 1215 (Kilgore) allow local school boards and local governing bodies to elect to have all their employees and retirees, as well as the dependents of employees and retirees, eligible to participate in the state employee health insurance plan. The local school boards and governing bodies shall be responsible for whatever portion of the cost of such insurance is not paid by the employee, except any portion that the General Assembly elects to pay. The school board and governing body of a given locality must both elect to participate in the state plan in order for their employees to participate.

SB 675 (Chafin) will be up in Senate Finance this week and HB 1215 (Kilgore) was assigned to the Compensation and Retirement Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. VACo supports both bills and will be speaking in committees. Call now to voice support for these bills.

Compensation and Retirement Subcommittee: Poindexter (Chairman), Ingram, Lingamfelter, Massie, Garrett, Carr, McQuinn

Senate Finance: Norment (Co-Chair), Hanger (Co-Chair), Howell, Saslaw, Lucas, Newman, Ruff, Wagner, McDougle, Vogel, Carrico, Alexander, Obenshain, Barker, Dunnavant

VACo Contact: Dean A. Lynch, CAE

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