Local government funding mechanism for flood mitigation and protection reports to House floor

Legislation introduced by Senator Adam Ebbin establishing a new funding mechanism for flood mitigation and protection has advanced, reporting out of the House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee, 22-0.

SB 1309 (Ebbin) authorizes grants from a local Stormwater Management Fund to be used for flood mitigation and protection measures that are part of a comprehensive flood mitigation and protection plan adopted by the locality, and requires such grants, where practicable, to prioritize projects that include nature-based practices. Current law allows such funds to be used only for the construction, improvement, or repair of a stormwater management facility or for erosion and sediment control.

SB 1309 previously reported out of the Senate Local Government Committee, 14-0-1, before being passed by the full Senate, 39-0.  The bill will now be considered and voted on by the full House later this week.

VACo supports SB 1309.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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