Local Stormwater Management Fund introduced

Legislation seeking to create the Local Stormwater Management Fund has been introduced in the House and Senate.

The bills authorize any locality to provide by ordinance the creation of a Local Stormwater Management Fund for providing grants to an owner of private property or a common interest community to be used exclusively for construction, improvement, or repair of stormwater management facilities or for erosion and sediment control.  Any such local fund will be entirely comprised of local moneys.  No state funding, such as Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) money can be used to finance a Local Stormwater Management Fund.

Delegate Mark Cole introduced HB 1614 (Cole) in the House, where it has been referred to the Counties, Cities and Towns Committee and will be heard on January 24 in the Counties, Cities and Towns Committee’s Subcommittee #3. HB 1614 is co-patroned by Delegate Bob Thomas, who first spoke to VACo members about the idea at this summer’s VACo Regions 7 & 8 Meeting in Stafford County.

In the Senate, Senator Bryce Reeves introduced SB 1248 (Reeves).  While the House version of the Fund has yet to be heard, Senator Reeves’ bill moved at a rapid pace.  SB 1248 was referred to the Senate Local Government Committee, who reported the bill 12-0 with an amendment specifying that the funds could only be used for stormwater management and erosion prevention “on previously developed lands.”  The Senate passed SB 1248 by a unanimous 40-0 vote on January 18.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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