New Tool for Local Stormwater Management Heads to Governor’s Desk

Legislation giving localities a new tool for stormwater management has successfully finished its trek through the General Assembly and now will head to the Governor’s desk.

HB 1614 (Cole) and SB 1248 (Reeves) give localities more flexibility in addressing stormwater management needs through the creation of a Local Stormwater Management Fund.  The Fund shall be established for granting funds to an owner of private property or a common interest community for stormwater management and erosion prevention on previously developed lands. The legislation requires grants from the Fund to be used exclusively for construction, improvement, or repair of a stormwater management facility or for erosion and sediment control.

No stormwater program or funding source at the state-level will be affected by this new Fund.  In fact, the legislation stipulates that the Fund shall be exclusively comprised of appropriated local moneys.

HB 1614 and SB 1248 saw sweeping support in the House and Senate, as each passed both chambers unanimously.  The bills will now head to Governor Ralph Northam for consideration and signing.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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