Oppose bills allowing School Boards to keep unexpended funds

VACo opposes HB 1969 (Delaney) and HB 1921 (Bourne) that seek to allow school boards to retain unexpended funds appropriated to them by localities. The former bill has no other stipulations, while the latter mandates that such funding be dedicated to finance capital projects.

Action Required – Contact your Delegates and express opposition to HB 1969 and HB 1921. The bills have been referred to the House Appropriations Committee’s Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee. If communicating via letter or email, please send a copy to Jeremy Bennett at jbennett@vaco.org.

Currently, all year-end funds appropriated to local school divisions by the locality revert to the locality, retaining discretion with the governing body to evaluate and approve reallocation of year-end fund balances. The bills would subvert this authority given to localities and would be a dramatic policy change negatively impacting local governing bodies financially and in their relationships with other governmental entities.

VACo Contact: Jeremy Bennett

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