Public Safety Legislation

VACo is monitoring legislation related to changes in public safety policy as it relates to localities.

During Gun Lobby Day, the Senate Courts of Justice Committee heard only gun-related legislation and reported a few out. SB 1 (Ebbin) prohibits the manufacture, import, sale or offer to sell a device used to increase the rate of fire of semiautomatic firearms. Violating the legislation is a Class 1 misdemeanor. After discussion, an amendment in the form of a substitute passed, 11-4, which clarified that the provisions only apply to trigger activators. The bill was referred to the Senate Finance Committee.

Other bills VACo is following:

SB 105 (Suetterlein) increases the felony larceny threshold from $200 to $500, and now includes SB 472 (Reeves). The bill reported out of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee by 12-3.

SB 669 (Deeds) prohibits an individual involuntarily committed or subject to a temporary detention order while a minor, defined as 14 years or older, is subject to the same restrictions as adults with those experience. Those in violation are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill unanimously reported out of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee.

Of note, the following bills that may impact localities have been re-referred to the Senate Finance CommitteeSB 56 (DeSteph) provides children born or adopted after the death or disability of an employee covered by the Line of Duty Act are eligible for health insurance if employees do not have to pay an increased premium, and SB 715 (Chase) allows firefighters and emergency medical services personnel to carry a concealed handgun. The bill now has an amendment addressing local option for Police Chiefs.

VACo Contact: Khaki LaRiviere

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