SLAF Guidelines Update Fails to Report

An update to Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) project funding guidelines has failed to report out the House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee #3.

HB 493 (Hodges) sought to authorize the recipient of a grant from SLAF to use a portion of the grant funds to pay for reasonable administrative costs. Additionally, HB 493 would have authorized a grant recipient to count the fair market value of administrative services as an in-kind match for as much as half of the amount of any matching funds required. Delegate Hodges introduced the legislation to make SLAF more appealing and more viable for smaller localities, whose administrative costs may be prohibitive to taking advantage of this program.

VACo spoke in favor of the legislation to the subcommittee, but the bill was ultimately passed by indefinitely. VACo, as well as other supporters of HB 493, expects this concept to be reintroduced to the General Assembly in the next year or two.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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