Speed Camera Bill That Would Redirect Funds from Locality to State

HB 2401 (Seibold) would authorize the governing body of any county, city, or town to provide, by ordinance, for the placement and operation of a speed safety camera by the law-enforcement agency of such locality for the purposes of recording vehicle speed violations on any highway in such locality as long as:

  • The highways speed limit is 45 miles per hour or less
  • The highway is in a priority pedestrian corridor as identified by the Department of Transportation in the statewide Pedestrian Safety Action Plan or
  • The highway is a high-risk pedestrian corridor as designated by the Commissioner of Highways

The bill also states that civil penalties collected from speed safety cameras are to be used solely for the operating costs of such speed safety cameras, and that any excess fund collected are to be annually deposited in the Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program (VHSIP). While VACo supports photo speed enforcement as a public safety tool, VACo opposes this bill because it diverts locally generated funds away from our communities and into the state-administered Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program (VHSIP).

VACo firmly believes that if localities are granted the expanded authority to implement and oversee speed safety camera programs, they should retain all excess funds generated. Keeping these funds at the local level empowers communities to invest in critical programs and infrastructure improvements that directly address their unique needs and priorities.

Additionally, this bill imposes unnecessary administrative burdens on local governments and law enforcement agencies, creating operational challenges that could hinder the effectiveness of speed safety initiatives.

VACo urges lawmakers to prioritize local control and flexibility to ensure that resources remain where they are needed most—within our communities.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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