Stormwater Workgroup Bills Pass House

HB 1307 (Hodges) and HB 1308 (Hodges), which seek to fix the so-called stormwater “donut hole,” both passed the House of Delegates.  HB 1307 pass unanimously as a part of the block vote, and HB 1308 passed by a vote of 96-1.

The bills, drafted upon the recommendations of the HB 1774 Workgroup (named after Delegate Keith Hodges’s 2017 legislation that led to its creation), seek to address rural Tidewater localities’ concerns regarding the administration of stormwater regulations for land disturbances of 2,500 square feet to one acre and to find alternative means for treating and using stormwater in the applicable localities.

HB 1307 and HB 1308 have been referred to the Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee. For more information on these bills, please read our February 1 edition of Capitol Contact.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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