Unpaved Road Flexibility Bills Unanimously Approved by General Assembly

SB 644 (Perry) and HB 74 (Reid) would clarify that the improvement of nonsurface treated secondary highways includes modifications other than paving.  These improvements, include but aren’t limited to, drainage upgrades, enhanced design of the highway profile, or any positive changes to increase safety, reduce maintenance cost or enhance the historic qualities of the road in question.  The bill would also clarify that the local governing body of the county receiving funds for such improvements will select the highways or highway segments to be improved, after consulting with the Virginia Department of Transportation.

The introduced versions of the bills included troublesome language that would not apply to all counites but with help from VACo and other stakeholders, amendments were adopted to alleviate this concern.

Now identical, both HB 74 and SB 644 have passed through the General Assembly unanimously where they await a decision by the Governor.  VACo thanks Delegate Reid and Senator Perry for working with us, hearing our concerns, and putting forward these helpful bills. VACo supports SB 644 and HB 74 and hopes to see them signed into law.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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