VACo Opposes Bill Overriding Local Authority to Extend Land Use Approvals to July 1, 2023

During the 2020 Special Session, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature passed a measure to extend to July 1, 2022, any local land use approvals, including rezonings and special use permits, which were valid as of July 1, 2020. HB 272  (Marshall) and SB 501 (Lewis) arbitrarily extend the life of these expired land use approvals an additional year (to July 1, 2023) . VACo supports maintaining local authority to plan and regulate land use and opposes this proposal as it weakens these key local responsibilities.

ACTION REQUIRED – Contact your delegate and senator to vote “NO” on HB 272 and SB 501. HB 272 passed in the Counties, Cities and Towns Committee and is now headed to the House floor for further consideration. SB 501 will be heard in Senate Local Government Committee Monday, January 31, at 9 am.


  • Counties successfully adjusted processing of land use applications and building permits in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and local planning commissions and Boards of Supervisors continue to meet and consider rezoning and special use permits.
  • Any developer can apply to extend an approval directly with the locality that granted it, many of which have existing criteria and procedures to do so, either administratively or through legislative act.



SENATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE: Lewis (Chair), Hanger, Stanley, Favola, DeSteph, Dunnavant, McPike, Howell, Spruill, Morrissey, Bell, Hashmi, Kiggans, Reeves, Hackworth

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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