VACo Opposes Bill to Limit County Ability to Access Drinking Water

SB 923 (Stuart) would prohibit the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) from issuing a Virginia Water Protection Permit for any surface water withdrawal in Virginia if more than 5 percent of the nonconsumptive volume of water withdrawn will be returned to a different major river basin.

VACo opposes the bill on the grounds that this would impose limitations on the ability of water utilities to provide drinking water to citizens now and in the future.

Efforts to supply water needs are not necessarily confined by the boundaries of river basins and inter-basin transfers of water have proven to be beneficial in using surplus water to meet drinking needs in Virginia.  The bill would ban all inter-basin water transfers and harm counties that engage in regional water planning now and in the future and by doing so, limit the development and growth goals of counties.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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