VACo Opposes Bills to Reshape Water Quality Improvement Grants

HB 2247 (Runion) states that the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is only required to enter into water quality improvement grant agreements with publicly owned wastewater treatment plants that apply for such grants if sufficient and unobligated funds are available in the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund at the time the Director enters into such grant agreements. Currently, the DEQ Director is required to sign an agreement with all eligible applicants.


  • With the state not funding its share of these wastewater treatment upgrades, the legislation would completely change the water quality improvement grant process and could leave local governments and local wastewater plants to provide the funds necessary to complete the construction of this expensive nutrient removal technology.
  • Local governments have enjoyed this financial agreement with the state to share costs of nutrient removal projects and the results from these projects have largely helped Virginia meet our clean water and Chesapeake Bay goals.

VACo opposes HB 2247.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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