VACo Opposes Bills that Remove Valuable Tools from the Procurement Toolbox

HB 1957 (Leftwich) and SB 954 (Petersen) would remove the authority of localities to use design-build or construction management at risk contracts for construction projects costing under $125 million.  Current law allows their use for projects over $26 million and for complex projects below that amount.  VACo opposes these bills as a limitation on the ability of localities to make the decision as to which construction method is best suited to an individual project and requests that the bills be referred to the Procurement Study Group for a more complete study of the issues.

HB 1957 will be heard in House General Laws on January 31,  and SB 954 will be heard in Senate General Laws and Technology on February 1.

Please contact your legislators on these committees and ask them to vote no.

VACo Contact: Phyllis Errico, Esq., CAE

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