VACo Opposes Waterworks Reporting Bill – Sovereign Immunity Concerns

HB 2407 (Scott, P.A.), as introduced, would require waterworks to report any operational anomaly, regardless of severity, that could affect water quality, public health, or service continuity to the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Drinking Water (the Office) within 24 hours of discovery. This would include instances of pump failures, equipment malfunctions, unusual odors, chemical imbalances, and changes in water pressure, which all regularly occur in the operation of a waterworks facility.

Under the bill, failure to comply with the reporting requirements constitutes negligence.

VACo opposes HB 2407 as this would greatly increase the reporting requirements for waterworks and the associated costs with such reporting. VACo also has concerns with the general feasibility of these reporting requirements and the waiver of sovereign immunity if these burdensome requirements are not met.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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