VACo Supports Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) Budget Amendments

VACo has sent a letter to members of the Senate Finance Committee’s Economic Development and Natural Resources Subcommittee and House Appropriations Committee’s Commerce, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Technology Subcommittee encouraging the authorization of Virginia Public Building Authority (VPBA) bonds for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF).

SLAF was created by the General Assembly in 2013 to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff.  SLAF provides matching grants to local governments for the planning, design and implementation of stormwater best management practices.  Since its inception, SLAF has received cumulative appropriations of $85 million, leveraged with local matching dollars into $170 million, and has successfully funded nearly 200 projects.  However, SLAF received no appropriation in FY 2018, and the proposed 2019-2020 budget contains no funding as well.

This year, Senator Emmet Hanger, Delegate David Bulova and Delegate Steven Landes introduced SLAF budget amendments, calling for $25 million to $50 million in funding over the biennium.

VACo Members are encouraged to contact members of the Senate Finance Committee’s Economic Development and Natural Resources Subcommittee and House Appropriations Committee’s Commerce, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Technology Subcommittee to express support for these important budget amendments.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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