November 7 | November 14

The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Freedom of Information Advisory Council will conduct its 2018 FOIA “Records” training in Richmond starting July 25.  The training sessions will be held at the Pocahontas Building located at 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, near the Virginia State Capitol.

Citizens, media representatives, public officials, and public employees with an interest in learning more about access to public records under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are invited to register for this free training presentation.  The presentation will provide an overview of the legal requirements regarding access to public records under FOIA, including what is a public record, how to make a public records request, how to respond to records requests, information on exemptions from mandatory disclosure, and the remedies available should a violation occur.

The training sessions are scheduled for November 7 and November 14. Each session will provide 1.5 hours of continuing legal education credit for attorneys, and will also count as the required annual training for FOIA officers.

For registration information, check the FOIA Council’s website at http://foiacouncil.dls.virginia.gov/foiacouncil.htm OR contact the FOIA Council directly at 866.448.4100.

Contact: Darlene Jordan
Organization: Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council
Telephone Number: 804.698.1810 / 866.448.4100 | Email: djordan@dls.virginia.gov | Website: http://foiacouncil.virginia.gov

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