2021 Virginia County Board Chairs and Vice Chairs

County Chair Vice Chair
Accomack Ron Wolff William Tarr
Albemarle Ned Gallaway Donna Price
Alleghany George Garten James Griffith
Amelia H. Joseph Easter, IV Shaun Weyant
Amherst Jennifer Moore David Pugh, Jr.
Appomattox Samuel Carter William Hogan
Arlington Matt de Ferranti Katie Cristol
Augusta Gerald Garber G.L. Wells
Bath Edward Hicklin Roy Burns
Bedford Thomas Scott Tamara Parker
Bland Stephen Kelley Randy Johnson
Botetourt Donald Scothorn Richard Bailey
Brunswick Barbara Jarrett-Harris John Zubrod
Buchanan Drew Keene Jeff Cooper
Buckingham Donald Matthews Thomas Jordan Miles
Campbell Jon Hardie Matt Cline
Caroline Reginald Underwood Jeffrey Black
Carroll Thomas Littrell Tracy Moore
Charles City William Coada Gilbert Smith
Charlotte Gary Walker Will Garnett
Chesterfield James Holland Christopher Winslow
Clarke David Weiss Beverly McKay
Craig Jesse Spence Carl Bailey
Culpeper Gary Deal Brad Rosenberger
Cumberland Brian Stanley Eurika Tyree
Dickenson Josh Evans Peggy Kiser
Dinwiddie Brenda Ebron-Bonner Harrison Moody
Essex Sidney Johnson Robert Akers
Fairfax Jeffrey McKay Penny Gross
Fauquier Christopher Granger R. Holder Trumbo, Jr.
Floyd Joe Turman Jerry Boothe
Fluvanna J. Michael Sheridan Anthony O’Brien
Franklin Ronald Thompson Timothy Tatum
Frederick Charles DeHaven Robert Wells
Giles Richard McCoy John Lawson
Gloucester Robert Orth Christopher Hutson
Grayson Kenneth Belton Michael Hash
Greene Bill Martin Marie Durrer
Greensville James Brown Belinda Astrop
Halifax Hubert Pannell Garland Ricketts
Hanover Sean Davis Angela Kelly Wiecek
Henrico Daniel Schmitt Patricia O’Bannon
Henry Jimmie Adams Debra Buchanan
Highland Harry Sponaugle John Moyers, Jr.
Isle of Wight Richard Grice Don Rosie
James City Michael Hipple, Sr Paula Sadler
King & Queen Sherrin Alsop Doris Morris
King George Ann Cupka Jeffrey Stonehill
King William Travis Moskalski Edwin Moren
Lancaster Ernest Palin Jason Bellows
Lee Richard Leonard Larry Mosley
Loudoun Phyllis Randall Koran Saines
Louisa Robert Babyok Duane Adams
Lunenburg Charles Slayton Frank Bacon
Madison R. Clay Jackson Charlotte Hoffman
Mathews Michael Rowe Melissa Mason
Mecklenburg Glenn Barbour Glanzy Spain, Jr.
Middlesex Wayne Jessie John Koontz
Montgomery Steve Fijalkowski Mary Biggs
Nelson Ernie Reed Jesse Rutherford
New Kent Patricia Paige Thomas Evelyn
Northampton L. Dixon Leatherbury M.E. Betsy Mapp
Northumberland Richard Haynie James Long
Nottoway Sherman Vaughn Lynn Sheklenton
Orange James Crozier Mark Johnson
Page Morgan Phenix Allen Louderback
Patrick Jane Fulk Crystal Harris
Pittsylvania Robert Warren Ronald Scearce
Powhatan David William Karin Carmack
Prince Edward J. David Emert Odessa Pride
Prince George Floyd Brown Marlene Waymack
Prince William Ann Wheeler Andrea Bailey
Pulaski Joseph Guthrie Charles Bopp
Rappahannock Debbie Donehey Christopher Parrish
Richmond F. Lee Sanders Richard Thomas
Roanoke P. Jason Peters David Radford
Rockbridge Dan Lyons David McDaniel
Rockingham Rick Chandler Sallie Wolfe-Garrison
Russell Rebbeca Dye Timothy Lovelace
Scott Danny Mann Stefanie Cruby
Shenandoah Steven Baker Dennis Morris
Smyth Charles Atkins Lori Deel
Southampton Alan Edwards William Gillette
Spotsylvania Kevin Marshall Barry Jett
Stafford Crystal Vanuch Cindy Shelton
Surry Robert Elliott Michael Drewry
Sussex Susan Seward Wayne Jones
Tazewell Tom Lester Mike Hymes
Warren Cheryl Cullers Archie Fox
Washington Dwayne Ball Randy Pennington
Westmoreland Darryl Fisher W. W. Hynson
Wise J. H. Rivers Steve Bates
Wythe Brian Vaught Ryan Michelle Lawson
York Chad Green Sheila Noll



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