Annual Conference Update


It’s almost here! VACo’s 82nd Annual Conference is next week, and we hope you’re ready!

Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Alumni Education Program

Are you a graduate of the Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program? Or are you interested in the program? Last year VACo, Virginia Tech and Virginia Cooperative Extension created an educational opportunity designed as an extension of the Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program. On Saturday, November 12 at 3:30 p.m., graduates and current enrollees of the program will join for an educational session on Quality of Life: Making Your County a Place People Want to Live. Dr. Mike Chandler, Virginia Tech Professor Emeritus, and Dr. Martha Walker, Virginia Cooperative Extension Community Viability Specialist, will guide attendees through a review of Quality of Life indicators, walk attendees through an exercise to assess indicators in their counties, followed by a group discussion focusing on actions that can be taken to make your county a place people want to visit and live. If you are a graduate, current enrollee, or simply interested, be sure to attend! It’s free for attendees and will provide you with tools to use in your community and your life.

VACo 82nd Annual Conference Mobile App

In our planning, VACo has implemented several features to make the conference a little “greener” for our communities. We reduced the number of handouts in the tote bags, which are sponsored by Moseley Architects and are made of recycled plastic bottles. A lot of the handout information has been placed on the mobile app, which is now available for download. Instructions will be posted on the corkboard at the Conference Registration Desk, or click here for instructions. If you signed up last year and still have the app on your phone, you can sign in with the same login and password. Click here if you forgot your password, or click “forgot password” on the app sign in page. You can also download it in your app store by searching for “ConfPlus.” Or go to this link – Once registered, by using your login and password or LinkedIn account, check on the “ALL” tab and join “VACo’s 82nd Annual Conference.”

From the home screen, you have access to all of the app features. The home screen includes nine features that can help you create a schedule, rate sessions, comment on sessions, check out exhibitors and sponsors and make connections. By selecting the Schedule, you will see the agenda organized by day. Each event allows you to rate it by selecting the event and giving it a star rating. If you want to comment on the session, you can select the arrow to the right and write your assessment, but don’t forget to select “submit” when done! You can also take notes during each session by tapping the square with the pencil image through it at the top right.

Going back to the home screen, you can see a list of all the conference speakers, read their bios and even rate individual speakers. The home screen also allows you access to several maps of The Omni Homestead, if you are unable to find your way around and can’t find a VACo Team member. The VACo Team will be wearing blue “STAFF” ribbons. Remember, “Don’t have a clue? Look for the blue!” You can make connections with other attendees by selecting the “Connections” feature and either searching specific contact names, or selecting “All” to see who is already on board with the app.

You can create a schedule before arrival by going to the “Schedule” feature and selecting a session. At the bottom of the screen you will see “Add to My Schedule.” Once selected, it will show up under the “My Schedule” feature on your home screen. The “Social” feature allows direct access to your Twitter account, should you want to tweet during the conference. Don’t forget to tag it #VACoConf #VACoEducation #VACounties. You can find loads of information on all of our wonderful exhibitors by selecting the “Exhibitor” feature and selecting the company name. You can also visit their booth by finding their booth number above the company logo.

Like one of the sponsored events? Let us know by selecting the “Sponsors” feature, which includes a link to company information, as well as listing the sponsored event. If you like the company or their sponsored event, tell us! Wondering what the VACo Annual Conference is all about? Select the “General Information” feature and see how this event is set apart from all other VACo events throughout the year. By selecting the three horizontal lines in the top left, you can access notes taken during sessions, messages that other conference attendees sent you and your personal QR code, which can be scanned to connect with other attendees rather than searching.

Finally, starting at the homepage, you can scan other attendee’s QR codes by selecting the box with the horizontal line in the top right. You will have to allow the app access to your camera, but then you can scan other attendees’ QR codes, make connections and send messages throughout the conference. The conference app is a great way to keep on schedule and connect with others. It is also perfect for taking notes and evaluating both speakers and session. Download it today!

VACo Contact: Amy Sales, CMP

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