ATTENTION ASSOCIATE MEMBERS – New opportunity to meet with county officials

VACo will host regional meetings again this spring and summer. In 2015, we were able to visit eight VACo regions. Our 2016 goal is to reach regions not visited last year to discuss their priority issues, meet with state legislators and get together for an evening of education and collaboration.

During these free-registration meetings at local venues within the region, we provide refreshments and are asking for your support to cover that cost. Consider sponsoring a regional meeting over the summer for $200. You will be invited to attend and given a spot on the agenda to address the audience. Their priority issue could be something your company or organization can help with.

To find out where we’ll be, check County Connections, VACo website and your email for upcoming regional meeting information. We plan to have them from May to mid-September across Virginia.

Interested? Contact Amy Sales, CMP

VACo Contact: Amy Sales, CMP

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