Bringing Innovation and Collaboration to Jurisdictions Across the Nation

Streamlining key processes for local governments across the nation is a cornerstone of the MUNIRevs company foundation. MUNIRevs CEO, Erin Neer, has witnessed firsthand the challenges that can emerge from outdated or paper-dependent systems. By creating a full suite of automated paperless software that addresses general business licensing and tax collection as well as short-term rental compliance needs, MUNIRevs, and its short-term rental compliance software LODGINGRevs, enhance the productivity of government.

Municipal Leagues and Associations across the United States aim to drive innovative solutions and strengthen local governments. With these aligning foundations, MUNIRevs is proud to announce its latest partnership with the North Carolina League of Municipalities. Joining MUNIRevs’ relationship list, which includes the Colorado Municipal League and the Virginia Association of Counties through associate membership, the members of the North Carolina League of Municipalities will be able to effectively deploy software solutions to better enhance their revenue collection and compliance efforts. When asked what this partnership means for North Carolina, Jennifer Cohen, Director of the North Carolina League of Municipalities, stated, “This is an important partnership for our Municipal Members, and will allow cities and towns, to be able to begin leveraging valuable revenue.”

By aligning the values of the dynamic software solution with those of Leagues and Associations, MUNIRevs continues to foster relationships that produce tangible results and will lead the efforts supporting local government’s business licensing, tax collection and short-term rental compliance.

Founded in 2011, MUNIRevs automates business revenue collection for towns, cities, and states across the U.S. With extensive experience in municipal finance, the MUNIRevs team has revolutionized business tax and licensing processes. It is the trusted source for secure, paperless payment processing, helping cities and states eliminate approximately 95 percent of the manual data entry tasks. LODGINGRevs, powered by MUNIRevs, automates short-term rental compliance, permitting, and tax collection for towns, cities, and counties across the U.S.

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