Counties encouraged to use NACo app testing access to broadband

The National Association of Counties in partnership with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) has developed a mobile app designed to show locations with low or no connectivity to help ensure adequate federal funding for areas lacking access to the internet. TestIT is an iOS/Android mobile app that leverages a broadband sampling tool designed by Measurement Lab (M-Lab) to aggregate broadband speeds across the country from app users. With the press of a single button, users will be able to test their broadband speed from anywhere. NACo developed TestIT because connectivity data provided to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is often inaccurate and inflated – leaving many rural communities overlooked and disconnected.

Every time a user taps the “Test Speed Here!” button, the app will record both upload and download speeds, time of day and location. A snapshot of each sample will be sent to a database which will allow NACo and partners to analyze connectivity data across the country. The data collected through this app will help identify areas where broadband service is overstated and underfunded by comparing the data to the National Broadband Map. NACo plans to provide graphical representation of the data through its Counties Futures Lab this Fall.

VACo members are encouraged to download the app using the instructions on this flyer. No personal information will be collected through this mobile app.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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