Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services Seeks County Comments on Adult Protective Services Mandate

As directed by Executive Order 58 (2007), which outlines the process for periodic review of mandates on local governments, the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is seeking input from counties regarding the statutory mandate for local departments of social services to provide adult protective services, which is categorized as SHHR.DARS004 in the Catalog of State and Federal Mandates. The mandate assessment process is an in-depth review of the effect, including the fiscal impact, of a mandate on local governments. An abstract for mandate SHHR.DARS004 may be found via the Catalog of State and Federal Mandates at: (type “SHHR.DARS004” in the “Search For” box in the upper left corner).

The APS mandate review period opens October 1, 2019, and DARS has requested that comments be received by Friday, November 1 in order to allow DARS staff time to review the feedback and submit recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. To provide feedback about the mandate, counties may complete a Locality Fiscal Impact Comments Form, which may be found at: The fiscal impact form may not be altered, and DARS will accept only one fiscal impact form per locality.

Completed fiscal impact forms may be submitted by email ( or U.S. mail to the address below:

Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Adult Protective Services Division
8004 Franklin Farms Drive
Henrico VA 23229
Attn: Venus Bryant

Please direct any questions to Paige McCleary at

VACo Contact: Katie Boyle

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