Digital Counties Survey 2017 – Winners Announced

The Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) announced the winners of the 15th annual Digital Counties Survey. The survey, conducted by CDG in partnership with NACo, identifies the best technology practices among U.S. counties, including initiatives that streamline delivery of government services, encourage collaboration and shared services, enhance cybersecurity and even reduce carbon emissions.

Virginia was well-represented with Arlington County and Albemarle County earning first place awards. Here’s what CDG and NACo had to say about each county.

Arlington County (150,000-249,999 population category) – Arlington County’s primary goals are transparency, open government and economic development. Initiatives such as the Open Data Portal and a webcast program are helping the county achieve those goals. County board meetings, work sessions and commission meetings, including online real-time discussions, are streamed live over the internet and are increasing citizen participation exponentially.

Albemarle County (up to 150,000 population category) – Albemarle County launched numerous cybersecurity programs following an extensive security audit. In addition, SANS security training is provided for all employees. The county also recently completed the first community telecommunications plan using nearly $200,000 in grant awards, partnering with broadband providers, public safety, fire, schools and the courthouse.

Fairfax County, Chesterfield County, Loudoun County, Montgomery County, Roanoke County and York County earned Top 10 rankings in their respective population categories.

“Digital counties are leveraging technology to improve the ways they conduct business and engage with citizens in increasingly innovative and exciting ways,” said Todd Sander, executive director, CDG. “The Center for Digital Government congratulates this year’s winners for their work to reduce costs, encourage citizen engagement, increase efficiencies and proactively address citizen expectations.”

“As technology continues to grow in all facets of our lives, country governments are adapting and innovating,” said NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase. “The Digital Counties Survey spotlights how counties deploy technology to enhance services and benefit residents while being responsible stewards of taxpayers resources.”

Click here to see all the winners.

SOURCE: Center for Digital Government

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