JLARC seeks information from counties on how land use ordinances may affect supply of housing – responses due August 4

In November of 2020 the Virginia Joint Legislative Audit Review Commission (JLARC) adopted a study resolution  for a Review of the Commonwealth’s Housing Needs. A component of the study includes a mandate to “identify factors that limit the supply of housing, including zoning requirements.” Related to this component of the study, JLARC staff reached out to all County Administrators with the following message and instructions for completing an online survey of local zoning ordinances:

The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC), the non-partisan policy evaluation and oversight agency of the Virginia General Assembly, is currently conducting a review of housing needs in the Commonwealth. As part of their review, JLARC staff are conducting a survey of all Virginia localities to collect information on their zoning, land use, and development approval policies and practices. Data collected from the survey will help ensure that findings and recommendations that result from JLARC’s review reflect local practices and experiences as accurately as possible.

Please follow the link below to complete JLARC’s survey by Wednesday, August 4, 2021.


For more information about JLARC, visit http://jlarc.virginia.gov. For questions about the survey, contact Ellie Rigsby at landusesurvey@jlarc.virginia.gov or 804-371-4565. Local administrators and planning directors should have also received an email from JLARC about the survey. Anyone with the link can access the survey. Please limit responses to one per locality.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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