Local Government Attorneys of Virginia: Considerations regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for local government employees

NOTICE: The following summary is provided by the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc. as general guidance. It is not to be considered legal advice. Officials should seek advice and direction from their county, city or town attorney on any specific questions. Issued 2/2/2022.

Dear Local Government Attorney Colleagues: 

The COVID-19 Committee endeavors to assist you on matters large and incremental. The linked memorandum deals with the thorny issue of vaccinations of employees. We hope that it will provide guidance on key legal issues. 

Our particular appreciation to Loudoun Senior Deputy County Attorney Milissa Spring and GTP Associate Garrett Autry for their substantive work on this memorandum. 

We are almost a year into dealing with this pandemic. The Committee recognizes and thanks you for your respective ongoing efforts, as legal counsel, to support local government during this time. 

Stay Healthy,
Sharon E. Pandak
Chair, LGA COVID-19 Committee

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